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Cell Therapies P/L joins CRC for Cell Therapy Manufacturing (CRC-CTM)

By April 3, 2013No Comments

Cell Therapies P/L has become an essential partner in the recently approved Cooperative Research Center for Cell Therapies Manufacturing (CRC-CTM). The combination of world leading academic researchers with local and overseas commercial companies is a novel feature of the Australian Government sponsored CRC program.
The CRC-CTM’s research is directed towards improved manufacturing capabilities and lowered cost of goods (COGS). Targeted clinical indications include unresolved diabetic foot ulcers, Graft vs Host disease (GvHD) for transplant patients, type 2 diabetes and diseases of the immune system where T-cells are involved.
Cell Therapies P/L will provide the regulatory compliant environment that facilitates the migration of CRC-CTM research into the clinic. A feature of this CRC is the seamless integration of pure research with commercial scale reduction to practice via first in man and subsequent routine treatments.